Friday, 25 May 2012

Free Download McAfee Internet Security 2012 With Serial Key

Free Download McAfee Internet Security 2012 With Serial Key

McAfee is the world’s largest dedicated security technology company. Its product McAfee Internet security is one of the best antivirus to protect your Pc from viruses and malwares in Realtime. It is Comprehensive, real-time anti-virus, anti-malware, firewall, spam filters, and parental controls, plus automated file backup to our safe deposit box in the cloud.

McAfee Internet Security 2012 Free Download with 90 Days License Key

▶ It is an all-in-one security suite that shields your laptop or desktop from all dangerous viruses and worms.
▶ Normally costs $79.99 for a year license.

Click on this link to open the offer page. There are two offers available 50% offer for 1 Year or 3 months totally free offer select any one, Login page will open if you already have an account just login or create new one to get McAfee Internet Security free or discount price.

Game Plus Blogger Template Free Download

Game Plus Blogger Template Free Download
Hello Guys!!

A very good morning to all of you...
Today i posting a blooger template for gaming blog. I hope you all will like it.
Template Name : Game Plus Blogger Template
Template Author :
Template Type : Free Blogger Template
Designer : Sohan jayasinghe
Descriptions : -Fixed, 2 column,Web 2.0, 1 sidebar, Black, Premium template,
                          Right sidebar,Smooth Menubar, wide Smooth Slideshow.3 column Footer
                          Ready for games post, Round corners.

Download Theme 

Google Kills 250,000 Search Links Every Week

Google Kills 250,000 Search Links Every Week
Hello friends today when i surfing on internet i got an important information about Google is that Google kills 250,000 Search Links Every Week.

The news is that Google receives huge amount of complaints from users about copyright contents everyday.
And after 1 week Google counts all the complaints and kills all the copyright links.

The record count of complaints on this week is 250,000 and all the links are kills by Google.
 So do not copy the Articles from other websites it is harmful for you and your website.

“We’ve been working with copyright owners for years to make this an efficient process,” said van Lohmann. “As policy makers look at potential copyright law changes, we want to make sure they have the benefit of actual data.”

Use One Mouse and Keyboard For All PC in Network

How To Use One Mouse and Keyboard For All PC in Network

Some time I need this feature badly. I cant change my location every time for just use mouse and keyboard of other PC. This is different from KVM. A familiar phenomenon for the geek with a laptop for on the go and a desktop computer at home or at work. Instead of splitting your computing power over several displays, you’re putting several disjunction systems in parallel.  
ShareMouse lets you share your mouse and keyboard with multiple networked computers.
Just move the mouse pointer to the computer you wish to control. When you reach the border of any monitor, the mouse magically jumps to the neighboring monitor and you can control that computer.


ShareMouse (Mac + Windows)

ShareMouse does exactly what you would expect from a KVM switch, and more. After installing the application on two or more computers, ShareMouse will automatically spot other computers running ShareMouse on the same network and connect with them. ShareMouse is available for Mac OS X and Windows computers, and will work in both directions.
With ShareMouse, you can use one keyboard and one mouse to control all devices on your desk, or you can use the computer you’re currently working on to pull up information on any of the other computers. 

Microsoft Office Is Comming For Android And iOS

Microsoft Office Is Comming For Android And iOS 
Most of the computer users knows MS Office package which is includes useful applications like word, spread sheet and presentations. But This Package is available for PC only. Now Microsoft is planning to release a full suite of Office apps for Android and iOS later this year. According to BCR report Microsoft have an idea to launch the Microsoft Office suite for both iOS and Android devices at this November.

Rumors have suggested that Microsoft has been working on an Office suite for the iPad for some time now. Late last year The Daily reported on this and even followed up on their story in February with a photo of the app running on an iPad with claims to have had some hands-on time with a working prototype of the software.

As per the previous report from daily Office comes for iOS first on Apple App store. It’s likely the cost will be around the $10 price per App. The Android version may be available after iOS version released.

Is Microsoft working on the mobile version of Office? But according to news they are working on Android tablets but not Android smartphones. Furthermore, their source claims to have seen Office running on an iPad and says that it’s almost identical to the photo that hit the web earlier this year.

If Microsoft releases Ofice app for iOS and Android it will be one of the most downloaded app in the World.
Search Term:

Yahoo! Released Axis web browser [Download Free]

Yahoo! Released Axis web browser [Download Free]
In the race of web browsers how yahoo can remain without participating. "Axis," is based upon HTML5 software will be a standalone browser for mobile platforms including iOS and Android, while the desktop version installs as a plug-in that works with your existing browser, be it IE9, Chrome or Firefox. Both versions have the same goal of improving your browsing experience.

On both clients, the search results come from Microsoft's Bing, just presented in the new UI layer Yahoo has developed. It presents itself as a small search box on the bottom-left of your browser, and when you begin typing it gives you a vertical list of suggestions next to a horizontal set of webpage previews.The plug-in will also sync your bookmarks, search history, and browser history across multiple devices.

Yahoo's commercial (embedded below) claims that Axis will let you "rip through the web," but the less-grandiose claim that at least it moves search away from a standard list of links seems much more apropos to us.

Smarter, Faster Search — Axis gives you instant answers so you can continuously discover and explore content without interruption. You will never have to leave the page you are on to view your search results again.
Connected Experience — Axis allows you to pick up wherever you left off as you move across your desktop, iPhone, and iPad. It makes your recently visited sites, saved articles, and bookmarks automatically accessible across all your devices.
Personal Home Page — Axis centralizes your online life with a customizable Home Page that provides direct access to your favorite sites and content across all your devices.
In fact, the entire app is pretty solid. It has a host of useful features like a dedicated Share button that lets you quickly Pin and Tweet webpages. And I really like the way its tabs are set up for switching between multiple websites — it’s really fast.

Download For Desktop

Try New Social Networking By Microsoft

Try New Social Networking By Microsoft
A new social networking. Now this time from Microsoft. Microsoft officially launched their social network known as (pronounced “social”). was established with students in mind and was first made available as a beta to those enrolled at the University of Washington, Syracuse University and New York University late last year.

Since borrows and builds from a bevvy of existing sites -- and doesn't aim to replace sites such as Facebook and Twitter -- it has the potential to take off, especially among its target audience. allows individuals to network with their peers and share useful information from both inside and outside of the classroom. is education-driven project and developed by Microsoft Research’s FUSE Labs and takes a different approach to social networking.

Well, at least that was the original idea. Now that is available to everyone, it’s likely that shared topics will stray from purely educational material into more general themes.

On paper, it’s actually starting to sound a lot like Pinterest where people simply post neat things that they like. If it proves to be successful, Microsoft could have a real winner on their hands although at some point they might want to shy away from the “educational” theme.

To use, users must sign in with either their Facebook or Windows Live account to get started. From here they are free to post photos, videos, text or even start a video party to discuss findings with friends.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

How To Make SNAKE Game In c/c++

How To Make SNAKE Game In c/c++
hello friends today i will show you how to make a snake game in c.
i thinks game code is too long, so just copy past it....
enjoy coding in c....!!!!
Here is the required informations:

// Header Files


// Macros
#define LEFT 1
#define RIGHT 2
#define UP 3
#define DOWN 4

//Game Data

int score; //Keeps the count of game score
int gamedelay;//Lower the game delay faster is the game speed.

struct Snake_Data {

int length;
int head_x; // Stores Head X Coordinate
int head_y; // Stores Head Y Coordinate
int head_dir; // Stores Head Direction
int tail_x; // Stores Tail X Coordinat
int tail_y; // Stores Tail Y Coordinat
int tail_dir; // Stores Tail Direction
int bend_x [1000]; //Stores X Bend Coordinate Declare it big enough to accomodate maximum bends
int bend_y [1000];
int bend_dir [1000]; // Stores Bend direction when tail reaches that X Coordinate
} Snake; // Declares a variable of the structure

// User - Defined functions -

int randomvalue (int starting, int ending) // Return a random int value between end and starting parameters

static int previous = 0;
int answer;
if (previous <0) previous = 0;
int difference = starting - ending;
time_t t;
srand((unsigned) time(&t));
for (int i = 0; i
answer = (rand () % difference);
return answer;

void gamephysics ()
static int foodcount = 0;//Keep Count of food
int futurex, futurey, futurepixel;
int i;
char scorestring [100];
if (foodcount < 500) //Adds a food if no food is present and upto maximum 500 food
int valid = 0;
int foodx;
int foody;
while (!valid)
foodx = randomvalue (15,1003);
foody = randomvalue (15,695);
if (getpixel (foodx,foody)!= 15)
putpixel (foodx,foody,2);
valid = 1;


//Boundary Collision Check -

if (Snake.head_x <= 10 || Snake.head_x >= 1008 || Snake.head_y <= 10 || Snake.head_y >= 700)
outtextxy (499,345, "Game Over");
delay (3000);
exit (1);

//Get future value of head in int variable futurex and futurey and calculate the logic

futurex = Snake.head_x;
futurey = Snake.head_y;
if (Snake.head_dir == LEFT)
futurex --;
if (Snake.head_dir == RIGHT)
futurex ++;
if (Snake.head_dir == UP)
futurey --;
if (Snake.head_dir == DOWN)
futurey ++;
futurepixel = getpixel(futurex,futurey);

if (futurepixel == 2)//Food Eaten
foodcount --; //Reduce count
score++; //Increase Score
setcolor (0);//Rewrite Score
setfillstyle (0,0);
bar (11,701,1007, 735);
setcolor (4);
sprintf (scorestring, "Score : %d", score);
outtextxy (20,710, scorestring);
//Increase the size of snake by 100 pixel you can put as much as you want
if (Snake.tail_dir == UP)
for (i = 0; i<101;i++) putpixel (Snake.tail_x,Snake.tail_y+i,15);
Snake.tail_y +=100;
if (Snake.tail_dir == DOWN)
for (i = 0; i<101;i++) putpixel (Snake.tail_x,Snake.tail_y-i,15);
Snake.tail_y -=100;
if (Snake.tail_dir == LEFT)
for (i = 0; i<101;i++)
putpixel (Snake.tail_x+i,Snake.tail_y,15);
Snake.tail_x +=100;
printf ("LEFT");
if (Snake.tail_dir == RIGHT)
for (i = 0; i<101;i++)
putpixel (Snake.tail_x-i,Snake.tail_y,15);
Snake.tail_x -=100;
printf ("RIGHT");

if (futurepixel == 15)
outtextxy (499,345, "Game Over");
delay (3000);
exit (1);


void userinput () //Process User Input and maps it into game
static int i = 0;
if ( i > 1000) i = 0; // Makes the bend array a circular queue
static int j = 0;
if ( j > 1000) j = 0;
char input;
if (kbhit ())
input = getch ();
//Change Respective Return value to our MACRO Direction Code Value
if (input == 80) input = DOWN;

if (input == 72) input = UP;

if (input == 75) input = LEFT;

if (input == 77) input = RIGHT;

//Change head direction based on logic

if (input == LEFT && Snake.head_dir != RIGHT && Snake.head_dir != LEFT)
Snake.head_dir = LEFT;
Snake.bend_x [i] = Snake.head_x;
Snake.bend_y [i] = Snake.head_y;
Snake.bend_dir [i] = LEFT;
if (input == RIGHT && Snake.head_dir != LEFT && Snake.head_dir != RIGHT)
Snake.head_dir = RIGHT;
Snake.bend_x [i] = Snake.head_x;
Snake.bend_y [i] = Snake.head_y;
Snake.bend_dir [i] = RIGHT;
if (input == UP && Snake.head_dir != DOWN && Snake.head_dir != UP)
Snake.head_dir = UP;
Snake.bend_x [i] = Snake.head_x;
Snake.bend_y [i] = Snake.head_y;
Snake.bend_dir [i] = UP;
if (input == DOWN && Snake.head_dir != UP && Snake.head_dir != DOWN)
Snake.head_dir = DOWN;
Snake.bend_x [i] = Snake.head_x;
Snake.bend_y [i] = Snake.head_y;
Snake.bend_dir [i] = DOWN;


//Code to change the y direction at respective time
if (Snake.tail_x == Snake.bend_x [j] && Snake.tail_y == Snake.bend_y [j])
Snake.tail_dir = Snake.bend_dir [j];


void movesnake ()
//Move the Head
if (Snake.head_dir == LEFT)
Snake.head_x --;
if (Snake.head_dir == RIGHT)
Snake.head_x ++;
if (Snake.head_dir == UP)
Snake.head_y --;
if (Snake.head_dir == DOWN)
Snake.head_y ++;
putpixel (Snake.head_x, Snake.head_y,15);

//Move the Tail
putpixel (Snake.tail_x, Snake.tail_y,0);
if (Snake.tail_dir == LEFT)
Snake.tail_x --;
if (Snake.tail_dir == RIGHT)
Snake.tail_x ++;
if (Snake.tail_dir == UP)
Snake.tail_y --;
if (Snake.tail_dir == DOWN)
Snake.tail_y ++;


void gameengine ()//Soul of our game.
while (1)
movesnake ();
userinput ();
gamephysics ();
delay (5);


void initscreen ( ) //Draws Intial Screen.
int i;
char scorestring [100];
//Draw Boundary
setcolor (4);
line (10,10,10,700);
line (1008,10,1008,700);
line (10,700,1008,700);
line (10,10,1008,10);
//Write Score on scree
sprintf (scorestring, "Score : %d", score);
outtextxy (20,710, scorestring);
//Draw Intial Snake Body
for (int i = Snake.length; i>0;i--) //This part should be redesigned for change of code of intial values
putpixel (Snake.head_x-i,Snake.head_y,15);

void initgamedata ( ) //Snakes starting coordinate if you modify any one make sure also modify dependent values
int i;
Snake.length = 100;
Snake.head_x = 200;
Snake.head_y = 200;
Snake.head_dir = RIGHT;
Snake.tail_x = Snake.head_x- Snake.length;
Snake.tail_y = Snake.head_y;
Snake.tail_dir = Snake.head_dir;
for (int i = 0; i <1000;i++) // There is no bend initally
Snake.bend_x[i] = 0;
Snake.bend_dir[i] = 0;
score = 0;
gamedelay = 1000; // Should be change according to game speed need.


// Main Function

int main ()

initwindow(1018, 736,"Snake 1.0"); // Create the Snake Window with value is optimize for mode 1024 * 768
initgamedata ();
initscreen ();
gameengine ();
return 0;


How To Run Symbian Applications On Computer ( Make Your Computer WORK AS MOBILE )

How to run symbian applications on computer ( make Your Computer WORK AS MOBILE )

Follow these steps to run a Symbian application on your computer.
  1. Download Symbian SDK from here.( It's a huge file )
  2. Install the SDK and all chaintools included in the package in their default location.
  3. After all packages are installed, reboot your PC.
  4. Now goto Start » Program files » Nokia Developer Tools » Symbian SDK » Emulator to launch the emulator
  5. Wait for the Emulator to completely load. The Emulator program will look like this when finished loading.

  6. Now inside the Emulator program, goto File » Open and then choose your favorite Symbian applications that you want to run.

  7. All set, install and enjoy your favorite Symbian apps on your PC. If you get error while installing unsigned applications, goto Menu » Settings » Application settings and change value from Signed only to all.

How to add “Add me on google plus ” widget on your blog or website

Hello Guys,
Google+  is now going too fast in Social Networks Platform. So people loving Google+ more than Facebook and today we discuss that how to add Google+ widget on your blog.
Add me on google plus widget is a great tool for increasing your google plus friends and it looks so cool. This widget shows to your blog visitors that you are on google plus and asks them to add you on google plus. It provides link to your google plus account and also shows that how many people have added you to google plus. 

Just follow simple steps:

I) Go to your google plus account

First thing you need is your google plus id. For this you need to go to your google plus profile and look at the domain. It would look like this

II) Configure your google plus widget

  • After Finding Your Google+ Id Click Here To Visit Widgetplus Website.
  • Click on “get widget” button to open settings.
  • Paste your google plus id in the required option.

  • Customize other options according to your need.
  • After  all editing  click on get code button to get HTML code for your google plus widget.
III) Adding the code to your webiste

  1. Copy the HTML code which you got on clicking the get code button
  2. Paste that code in your blog.
  3. Now see your blog 

How To Delete Google+ Account Or Profile Forever

How To Delete Google+ Account Or Profile Forever
Many People don't like social networking and they wanna get rid of it. So today i am posting for these type of people. Just simply follow the given below simple steps and you are done.


1.First just log in to your Google Account
2.Now go to your Google Account Settings Page.
3.Now just scroll down and click on "Delete profile and remove associated Google+ features" link.
4.Tick the "Delete Google+ Content" and than tick the "Remove Selected Services" Button

Now all is over, I think its very simple. So try it if you wanna delete... :D

One important thing by deleting your Google+ account your Gmail and other Google Account will not be deleted.

How To Share Google Plus Updates On Facebook Automatically

Hey!! Sometimes I feel difficulty to post update to each social networking websites separately. But Today I got trick to do this automatically. You can automatically share your Google Plus updates on Facebook. To apply this trick you don’t need any app or tool. I know app and tools make so much messy environment. So this one just need some changes in your Google Plus account.
The trick is so simple only you have to add your Facebook secret email address in any of your Google Plus circle. So next time, whenever you want to share a post from Google Plus to Facebook, simply add that email to the share box and it should work just as fine.

How to To Connect Google Plus to Facebook.
1. First go to and login with your Facebook ID and Password
2. Click Photo under the space to type a status update
3. Underneath “Upload via Email” you’ll see a unique email address that you can use to update your Facebook status via email.
4. Now you have the Facebook Email Address with you, so its time to go Google Plus Page. Go to the Google Plus circles tab and Create a new Circle from the name of Facebook and add the Facebook secret email address as a contact to your Google Plus circles.
5. Next time when you update status then shat it with your new circle.

That' It!! So now just update status on google+ and share it on facebook.... :D

Top Ten Hand Guns In The World

List Of Top Ten Hand Guns In The World
Different times we try to inform you about different matter. This time we are going to tell you about the Top 10 List of handguns. We know that many people are very crazy about guns and weapons. Our Top 10 List is for those people who are interested about guns and handguns.

1. Glock-17: In the Top 10 List we put Glock-17 in the 1st place. It is a semi automatic pistol designed and produced by Glock GmbH of Deutsh-Wagram, Austria. . It has a short recoil locked breech; tilting barrel action fires amongst others a 9x 19mm Parabellum cartridge is used by the Austrian military and US Law Enforcement agencies.
2. Smith & Wesson .500 S&W Magnum: In the Top 10 List of handguns we keep Smith & Wesson .500 S&W Magnum in the 2nd place. It is one of the most handy and powerful handgun. The .500 S&W Magnum are considered the best commercial sporting handgun cartridge by the muzzle energy it makes.
3. FN Herstal FNP-9: In the Top 10 List of handguns we keep FN Herstal FNP-9 in the 3rd place. The trigger is unique, wide and smooth, unlike many polymer guns. Magazine capacity for the 9mm is 16 rounds in the magazine and one in the tube.
4. Beretta 92: In the Top 10 List of handguns we keep Beretta 92 in the 4th place. The Beretta 92 is of Italian origin. It fires a 9x19mm Parabellum cartridge. It has been in production since 1975 and is in service in the Italian, French and US military.
5. Walther P99: In the Top 10 List of hand guns we keep Walther P99 in the 5th position. It is one of the popular handguns all over the world. The Walther P99 is a semi automatic pistol of German origin. It is manufactured by Carl Walther GmbH Sportwaffen.  It is used by the German police, Polish police and the Finnish army.
6. QSZ -92: In the Top 10 List of handguns we keep QSZ -92 in the 6th place. Its country of origin is The Peoples Republic of China. It has an effective range of 50m and has a muzzle velocity of 1148 ft per second.
7. M1911 pistol: In the Top 10 List of handguns we keep M1911 pistol in the 7th place. This is a single-action and semi-automatic handgun created by John M. Browning. It has now risen to become the finest type of the 20th century; making it popular among civilian shooters in competitive events.
8. Mark 23: In the Top 10 List of handguns we keep Mark 23 in the 8th place. The Heckler and Koch Mk23 are of German and United States origin and consist of match grade semi automatic pistol. This handgun has an effective range of 50 Ms. It has been in production since 1991 and comes with a 12 round detachable box magazine.
9. HS2000/XD: In the Top 10 List of handguns we keep HS2000/XD in the 9th place. The HS 2000 is of Croatian origin and is produced by HS Produkt D.o.o. The company’s most successful product HS2000 is a polymer framed semi automatic pistol. It is the standard issue of the Croatian army and is popular amongst the US law enforcement agencies.
10. SIGP250: In the Top 10 List of handguns we keep SIGP250 in the 10th place. The SIG P250 pistol is of mixed American and German origin. It is made by JP Sauer and Son and Sig Sauer Exeter. It is a semi automatic pistol. This pistol has an effective range of 50Ms.